Abstracts of posts
Ing. Milan Rakús, Ing. Juraj Strnisko – The state and perspectives of the development of the Central Data Archive - The central data archive is the result of the national project number 8: Central Data Archive, which was implemented in 2011-2014 by the University Library in Bratislava. The project was solved within the framework of Operational Program Informatization on Priority Axis 2: Development of memory fund institutions and renewal of their national infrastructure. The central data archive has nearly 4 years of operation (2015-2018). This paper is aimed at describing the actual state of bulding the Central data archive. And possible perspectives of his further development in following years.
Mgr. Zuzana Kvašová – The current state of long-term archiving in the NL CR - The paper addresses issues of long-term archiving of digital documents in the NL CR, the current state of standardization and preservation processes in the long-term repository of NL CR. The NL CR continues to publish standards for new types of documents outside the scope of in-house digitization. For practical implementation needs NL CR recommends archival formats and validation tools, creates methodologies and develops in-house complex validation tool. The paper will also introduce The Strategy for the Development of Libraries for the long-term archiving, especially with regard to legislation and charter documents updating.
dr inż. Piotr Pałka – Long-term digital preservation in Poland: CREDO designers experience - Long-term digital preservation is the process of maintaining digital objects through time, ensuring continued access to the objects. The CREDO project, the framework for Digital Documents Repository, is a digital repository which enables short- and long-term archiving of large volumes of digital resources. It acts both as a secure distributed file storage and as a digital archive, that provides metadata management and packaging resources in archival packages. Reliability of information readouts is ensured by the repository through the data replication and monitoring mechanisms in the repository file system, as well as through the distributed nature of the system that enables storing copies of the resources in more than one location. Advanced management system supports scheduling of operations on the archival storage while respecting the low energy consumption requirements. The project was led by Polish Security Printing Works, in cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology. As a part of the CREDO project we also analyzed various methods of distributing a digital archive, from a simple dislocation of replicas, through solutions based on a cloud or blockchain technology, to the co-operation of federated archives and the use of multi-agent systems. Our analyzes are carried out in relation to requirements set for long-term archives by the OAIS reference model, resources security, potential costs for the user, real possibility of implementation, performance, and real solution volume. We would like to share the experience we gained while working on the CREDO project, in particular those related to the design of the repository, its launching and testing. We also got to know the point of view of potential customers.
György Drucker – Long Term Preservation requirements and plans in the Hungarian National Library - The study examines the interdependence of the archiving needs of the digital materials, both digitised and born-digital under the mandatory legal deposit obligations on the one hand, and of the relevant storage architecture on the other hand, while meeting the requirements of an OAIS based archiving system with strong LTP solutions. The digitisation workflow and standards have to be reconciled with the design of cost-effective 10-20 Pb storage architecture, with respect to the envisaged demands of the planned end-user services. The Hungarian design experience gained during the development project may offer good insights and further ideas for other libraries, or archives for fulfilling similar tasks.
Miklós Lendvay – Long Term Preservation Derived From a Collaborative Platform such as FOLIO and New Data Models such as FRBR - The past provided for libraries a lot of materials to preserve, but today the amount of the created publications in all fields of culture is rapidly growing, to a never seen extent. What is even a bigger challenge, that the amount of machine generated and the amount of unstructured data is more than exponentially growing. If we want to face the challenge of preserving some of these data for long term, without drowning in the sea of data, we need to create ways of cooperation in selecting, structuring and processing of those data. This inevitable leads to a completely new data exchange and cataloguing model, a cooperation platform and framework, flexible workflows in the processing of data, and opening up the possibility of cooperation for a much wider audience: citizens, scientist, institutions. This is why the National Széchényi Library took a leading role in defining a cooperative and distributed nationwide library platform, and realising a selfhosted cloud based environment. Our library is committed to take part in the FOLIO (The Future of Libraries is Open) community and contribute to the software with the results achieved in the development of such a platform. How the new data philosophy FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and the new data exchange format BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework) effects the archiving of data? How far the FOLIO platform can enhance the creation of a meaningful new archive technology? These are questions I try to answer.
Bc. Jiří Bernas – The National Digital Archive celebrates its 3rd birthday - Presentation and article will deal with digital archiving in the Czech Republic, especially the National Digital Archive. Presented will be the legislative bases, organizational and financial provision of the digital archive, principles of its functioning and further development. Existing experience with the acquisition of digital archival records, formats and data volumes will be included.
Ing. Petr Kukač – Sustainability of National Digital Library, the development of National Library of the Czech Republic and Moravian Library digitization workplaces and their relation to other libraries - NDK means the National Digital Library. It is a system for digitization, long-term preservation and access to modern bohemian prints as well as for web archives of Czech domains, from harvesting to long-term storage. The system was developed and implemented between 2010 and 2014 with the contribution of the EU subsidy. It consists of a central computing and storage workplace in Prague, two digitization lines - one in the NL CR in Prague and in the MZK in Brno and a workplace for the administration of the web archive in Prague. The system is in constant operation producing new data from August 2013 with a view to its further long-term operation. Petr Kukac, Director of the Digitization Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic and the head of the NDK work team, will present difficulties in ensuring day-to-day operation under conditions of limited funding from the state budget, while maintaining the up-to-date NDK environment in the dynamically evolving world of digital librarianship.
PhDr. Zdeněk Vašek, Ph.D., Mgr. Petr Cajthaml, Mgr. Eliška Pavlásková, Ph.D. – Perspectives of digital archiving in archives outside the state archive network on the example of Charles University - The paper describes the current situation and possibilities of solving the issue of digital archival storage in the Czech Republic. The paper focuses mainly on needs of archives founded by public institutions and operating outside a network of state archives (according to legislation “Specialized archives”). In the Czech Republic is preferred a centralized solution of single digital archive which is a part of the National Archive in Prague. However, specialized archives are allowed according the legislation (in practice not yet used) to build their own digital archives. Specialized archives have specific requirements for the management of digital documents, and in particular the access to them, which the centralized solution can not fully accommodate. The paper presents the legislative and practical requirements for these archives and the proposal for a concrete solution prepared in the Archive of Charles University.
Mgr. Zoltán Lux – Implementation of new technologies to ensure the sustainability of digital content - Sustainability of Long-term Preservation has several aspects that can be discussed. Technology, management, policies, cost, etc. are all important factors to be considered. This presentation will focus on the technological aspect of sustainability of digital information which is becoming more and more complex, and appears in a rapidly growing variety of digital formats. The development of technology on the one hand brings new challenges to the archiving process and on the other hand it offers new opportunities for analysing and using archived digital content. Relational databases, data warehouses, OLAP objects are produced in an increasing number and size which have to be preserved and kept understandable for long time. The National Archives of Hungary piloted in the frame of an EU founded international project how data warehouse concept can be applied in archiving and presenting archived relational databases. It had also been investigated how a big data infrastructure can be implemented as a storage frame system for long term archive.
Ing. Stanislav Dzúrik – Is Tape Still Fashionable for Data Archiving today? - Quick overview of the newest IBM linear tape technologies, their future, features and benefits. Why tapes are still hot also in the current Cloud solutions.
Ľubomír Hribík – Growing Digital Archive - Story based presentation about CDA's software solution growing through years of its operation. Presentation will focus on topics like automated storage on linear tapes, its functional upgrades and changes to basic approach and impact on the whole strategy of cold storage archive; scalable processing (ingest/dissemination) and experience with it; SIP ID philosophy vs object identity and how to dodge conflicts; multimedia formats (yes or no?) and challenges they bring to your curating.
Márton Németh – The education of web-archiving - In Hungary the National Széchényi Library have started web archiving activities with a significant lag, only at the beginning of 2017. Beyond the discovery and implementation of IT tools and services, our major task is to train professionals to get the sufficient skills and competences in field of web archiving. This paper is focusing on several aspects on education issues in this context. At first, an overview is being offered about an online research seminar for PhD students and web-archiving professionals organized by the NETLAB Research group, Aarhus University, Denmark. Secondly, the recently established Education and Training Working Group of the IIPC consortium is being introduced. A quick overview is being offered about a brief survey on best web archiving education practices and future. Thirdly, a Hungarian web-archiving training concept is being described. The training will be organized by the Library Institute for any kind of cultural heritage professionals that want to get basic skills and competences in this field.
Ing. Andrej Bizík – Long-term preservation of the Slovak archive of digital sources - Electronic documents and web archives should be "preserved" similarly to physical objects of lasting value; it is realized using the long-term storage platform. Throughout the process of transfering and storing documents, there are various problems and pitfalls. Long-term storage itself is a complicated operation, exemplified by a sophisticated solution Deposit of Digital Resources. The contribution focuses on the long-term storage of the Slovak archive of digital sources and describes the problems encountered in this activity. The integrated creation of SIP (Submission Information Package) packages in the Deposit of Digital Resources is a fast and efficient semi-automatic solution from creation to SIP storage in the Central Data Archive (CDA). The script will practically create packages, sign them, save them in a temporary repository, where they wait for confirmation by the curator. Permanent identifier packages are transferred to a temporary CDA repository for specific periods of time, waiting for processing. Simple operation requires minimal intervention by the curator who has the content sent constantly under his management.
Ing. Jaroslav Zeman – Disemination of stored archived data from the perspective of maintaining long-term archival protection - The Central Data Archive (CDA) must also provide the possibility of selecting archived data. This paper explains the reasons and methodological approach to addressing the issue of mass dissemination in the CDA environment. Using the requested archive packages of Museum of the Slovak National Uprising made for the needs of the National Edification Centre as an example, the selection explain all the pitfalls associated with dissemination from the point of view of protection of strap carriers from excessive wear. The aim of the presented methodology is to optimize the processing of the dissemination campaign in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the use of tape mechanics.