9:00 - 9:15
Ing. Silvia Stasselová (General Director, ULIB, SR) - Welcome and Opening |
9:15 - 9:30
Ing. Alojz Androvič, PhD. (Department Director for Electronisation and Integration ULIB, SR) - Introductory word to the conference program |
9:30 - 09:55
Ing. Milan Rakús (Head of Central Data Archive ULIB, SR) - 3 years of CDA Operations |
09:55 - 10:20
Mgr. Zuzana Kvašová (Head of Digital Fonds Department, NL Czech)- LTP archive of NL Czech - Operations Experience |
10:20 - 10:45
Mgr. Monika Péková (Archive MI SR) - Electronic Archive of Slovakia - LTP Archive |
10:45 - 11:00
Break |
11:00 - 11:25
Darek Paradowski (National Library of Poland, Poland) - Step towards self contained store - challenge, concept and implementation of archival subsystem based on new ISO standard 20919:2016 |
11:25 - 11:50
Miklós Lendvay (IT director, National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary) - Digitisation And Long Term Preservation In a Distributed Environment – The Approach Of The Hungarian Comprehensive Library Platform |
11:50 - 12:15
Ing. Martin Lhoták (Director of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech) - Project ArcLib - preparation of methodologies and development of open source solutions for long-term archiving of digital documents |
12:15 - 13:00
Lunch Break |
13:00 - 13:25
Ing. Peter Selecký (Project Manager, National Educational Center, SR) - Operation of the CAIR information system and the portal Slovakiana |
13:25 - 13:50
Ing. Nadežda Andrejčíková, PhD. (Executive manager, Cosmotron Slovakia s.r.o., SR), Libor Piškula (Cosmotron Slovakia s.r.o., SR) - Digital Library Advanced Rapid Library and Central digital archive |
13:50 - 14:15
PhDr. Ladislav Cubr (Researcher National Library of the Czech Republic) - Standardization in the creation of digital documents as a basis for digital archiving |
14:15 - 14:40
Szabolcs Dancs (Chief advisor, National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary) - Descriptive metadata for long-term preservation and the bibliographic management of digital surrogates |
14:40 - 15:00
Break |
15:00 - 15:25
Ing. Juraj Strnisko (IT specialist CDA ULIB, SR) - Project PREFORMA and application of PREFORMA Project results in CDA ULIB |
15:25 - 15:50
PhDr. Zdeněk Vašek, Ph.D. (Head of Standards Department NL Czech) - Standardisaton in National Library Czech |
15:50 - 16:15
Ing. Jaroslav Kamenský (Tempest a.s., SR) - SIP Package - How it works? |
16:15 - 16:40
Ing. Roman Král (IT specialist, CDA ULIB SR) - SIP Package creation by SW product of CDA ULIB |
16:40 - 17:00
Ing. Alojz Androvič, PhD. (Department Director for Electronisation and Integration ULIB, SR) - Closing |
17:00- 17:30
Excursion in CDA |